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My name is Paolo and I live in Ovaro, in the Degano’s Valley. I like meet new persons who come from different reality for exchange opinions and experiences and share my passions: excursions, nature, landscape, photography, architecture and local history. I speak English as well and a bit of German. I know very well this Valley, with its trails, brooks and clearings

A visit to Malga Amboluzza

a beautiful excursion among Val Degano’s meadows and forests, passing across Cludinico (minerary village), to reach Malga Amboluzza situated in a wide and panoramic clearings

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A visit to Cludinico Mine

The visit to Cludinico Mine is particularly interesting . It starts from the village of Cludinico and then go down the entrance of the mine , through the Miner's Museum . The tour lasts 3 hours approximately . And ' advance reservation required !!

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