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Hi, I'm Annalisa.

I was born and raised in a magical land called Carnia,

In the last village of Val Tagliamento

Furnaces above, in the Friulian Dolomites ...

Every morning, when I open the windows and see before me, the Pink Monfalcons, illuminated by the morning sun, thank God for being born in this paradise.

Like so many mountainers I also have my heart path ...

When I was a little girl, I was traveling with my grandmother when she went to the hayloft level: a simple childhood, a scanditadas seasons ...

I came back to those places after 40 years and the nostalgia for that clearing with the larch had inspired me ...

I wrote a fairy tale entitled "Harluk and the Window of the Tree" and I gave the name to the path, recognized by C.A.I. As "Harluk Truoi".

The name of the gnomo is the protagonist of my fairy tales. Another wealth that we have at Forni is the Spadavecchia Murales ... Discovering these works is equivalent to knowing the artist and understanding how life was happening in this alpine community. Over 50 paintings are visible along the country's streets. Some summer afternoon accompany tourists to visit the museum "The thread of memories" ...

I love to walk, I know so many paths to get to our malgas, Varmost, Montemaggiore, Tragonia Tartoi ... Jaff and Pacherini shelter ... and many other things we will discover together.

I look forward to you in Carnia and Oven above




Sentiero dal "Von"

Path between the forts of Forni di Sopra valley with breathtaking views of the Friulian Dolomites The trail winds to the slopes of Cimacuta, inside the Friulian Dolomites Nature Park. It is named after a characteristic boulder of conglomerate that lies on the ridge of "Pocagneit" and is called "Truoi da Von". The naturalistic variety and the benches along the path also facilitate teaching lessons.

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Un tuffo nel passato

"A dive in the past" one day in the 40s ... how our great-grandparents lived without electricity, no phone, lunch in an old kitchen ... an unforgettable experience ... meeting at 9:00 pm co-operative square To spend the whole time ... returning at 17:00. Of course you can cook together by learning the old traditional recipes !!

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Truoi di Harluk

Excursion: "Harluk Truoi" trail leading to a giant larch, 600 years old. A magical clearing where one feels the energy of a centuries-old plant. This simple trail is ideal for a family trip; Strolling through thick woods, accompanied by gnomes and goblins, you will discover the giant lily of the century that inspired the recent "Harluk and the Window in the Tree" fable by Annalisa Cappellari. Duration approx 3 hours.

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